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Corporate  //  Corporate Management Applications

In a time of more and more rivalry and change, the quality of corporate management applications is paid more attention as well as sectoral performance.

We, Telecity people have written down our management applications and corporate values, which brought our company to the present time, to maintain our traditional advantages and to reach our determined targets.

Our basic management principles which arrange interpersonal relationship among the management, partners, and employees of Telecity and third parties (customers, suppliers, all persons and institutions in contact) are listed below;


We are devoted to the honesty principle in our works, activities and communications with our customers, employees, shareholders and other institutions.


We are aware that the reliability is the basis of prosperity, so we always deliver open, understandable and true information to customers, shareholders and employees, and serve in time, complete and as per our promises.


Our approach to customers, suppliers, employees and shareholders is not bias because of their genders, ethnic origin and views. We never act in a segregationist way to anyone, anywhere.


We comply with all laws, regulations and standards.


We never share personal data of customers of our stores, shareholders and employees of the company, suppliers and business partners, and details of our operations and other business issues with anyone and any institutions, except the legal authorities, when needed.


We proclaim financial or non-financial data of our company to the public in time, true and completely, in an understandable and interpretable way excluding the ones deemed commercial secret and not publicized yet.

Social Responsibility

We take into consideration maintaining benefits, profit and image of the company in all works, applications and investments of the company in addition to development studies and sustainability of reliability towards the sector, and social benefits. We comply with environmental considerations and health regulations, and consumer rights as well.